Noise & vibration in the environment
Modern living does not get any quieter…..excessive exposure to environmental noise can cause serious harm to human health as well as interfere with people’s daily activities at school, work, home and during leisure time.
At 24 Acoustics we understand environmental noise, how it is created, how to assess it and how to manage it.
Tackling our clients’ environmental noise and vibration emissions is a key area of our work. From environmental impact assessments in support of planning applications (for developments that generate noise or may themselves be sensitive to existing ambient noise) to mitigating or defending existing noise or vibration emissions, we offer a wide range of highly specialised services, including:
For baseline studies, planning and enforcement, management of environmental noise for a wide range of applications and industries.
Noise and Vibration Surveys
Noise / Vibration Impact Assessments
Planning noise assessments for all industries, including compliance monitoring for environmental permits and the construction industry.
Modelling and predicting transport and industrial noise sources and their effects on the community.
Modelling and Prediction
Acoustic modelling of all types of transportation and noise.
Noise Mapping
Liaison and Negotiation
with local authorities.
Expert Witness Service
Attendance at planning appeals, public inquiries, licensing hearings and courts of law, including the preparation and provision of written representations.
Noise impact assessment for indoor and outdoor licensed venues, representation at license hearings/ appeals, monitoring of events.
Entertainment License Assessments
Engineering Noise Control
Reducing noise / vibration impact from industrial plant on the community by engineering means.
Underwater Noise Impact Assessment
Prediction and measurement of underwater noise impact associated with construction to protect marine wildlife.
Modelling of Groundborne Noise/ Vibration
Modelling of noise/ vibration from below ground sources (such as underground railways) to determine noise and vibration levels at the surface and in buildings.