Chris McConnell
Chris has over 15 years’ experience in acoustic consultancy. He joined 24 Acoustics in 2011 after gaining valuable experience working for a multi-disciplinary engineering consultancy on design-stage building acoustics projects. Chris is now responsible primarily for projects involving building acoustics design and commissioning testing, construction monitoring and management (noise, vibration & dust), and noise & vibration assessments for planning purposes. Chris has extensive experience in the acoustic design of a wide range of developments covering residential, educational, healthcare, commercial and mixed-use schemes. He also manages the company’s registration with the Association of Noise Consultants for pre-completion sound insulation testing in residential buildings.
Chris Advises And Works With
Property developers
Local Authorities
Planning consultants
Project Managers
Construction & Demolition Contractors
Building Services Engineers
Experience Highlights
The Lantern, London. New build mixed-use development in central London comprising commercial offices, retail and residential. Acoustic consultancy throughout the project including noise assessment for planning, acoustic design, external plant noise control, construction monitoring and commissioning testing.
Hampshire County Council - Oakmoor School, Bordon. Acoustic design of new secondary school. Advice on all aspects of building acoustics in relation to Building Bulletin 93 requirements.
Southampton City Council - Newlands Primary School, new specialist resource unit for deaf children. Detailed design advice and commissioning testing, to ensure compliance with Building Bulletin 93 requirements for pupils with special hearing and communication needs.
Ford Airfield Development, West Sussex. Noise assessment for environmental statement in support of planning application for residential development (c 1500 homes). Mitigation measures to reduce impact of nearby transportation and industrial noise sources.
Southampton Football Club – Acoustic design of new training academy building. Development of acoustic criteria to meet client-specific requirements and detailed advice on internal sound insulation, control of reverberation and building services noise in critical spaces.
80 New Bond Street, London – Monitoring of noise and vibration during demolition and construction, assistance with Section 61 matters, management and control of noise and vibration.
Parkside Place, Cambridge – Residential development (c 900 homes) above fire station in Cambridge city centre. Noise assessment for planning matters, advice to design team in relation to Approved Document E and pre-completion sound insulation testing.
Royal Albert Edward Infirmary, Wigan – Acoustic consultancy and design advice for new 28-bed hospital ward. Advice on internal sound insulation, control of noise break-in and reverberation control to achieve the requirements of Health Technical Memorandum 08-01.
Education & Qualifications
Cardiff University, BSc Physics and Music
Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton, MSc Engineering Acoustics
Member of the Institute of Acoustics