Reuben Peckham

Director & Principal Consultant

Tel: +44 23 8155 5000


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Reuben is a Chartered Engineer and highly experienced acoustician. He provides timely, commercial and pragmatic advice to clients across a broad range of sectors on all stages of the development process.

He has over 25 years’ experience in industry, research and consultancy relating to acoustics, noise and vibration relating and leads 24 Acoustics’ expertise in the assessment and management of industrial noise, many of which are regulated by the Environment Agency.

Reuben also acts as a design team member advising architects and property design professionals on the acoustic design of buildings and is an accomplished and skilled expert witness having given evidence in court (at Magistrates, County, Crown and High Court level), at planning appeals and public inquiries on many previous occasions. He also provides expert evidence in noise induced hearing loss compensation claims, usually acting as a single joint expert.

Reuben Advises And Works With

  • Property developers

  • Planning consultants

  • Architects

  • Oil and gas companies

  • Renewable energy businesses (solar, wind turbines/ wind farms)

  • Power stations

  • Minerals and waste operators

  • Lawyers and barristers

Experience Highlights

  • Berkeley Homes, Vastern Road… acoustic design of a new apartment development (c 200 units) neighbouring a major electricity substation. Design and mitigation provided to reduce impact of low frequency noise from the substation operation. Working closely with a multi-disciplinary and legal team and successfully presented evidence at public inquiry;

  • Perenco, Wytch Farm Oilfield. Retained as Perenco’s acoustic consultant since 2012 helping manage noise emission from their production and drilling operations within their highly sensitive SSSI in Dorset;

  • Marchwood Power Station, Southampton. Retained since 2012 to manage environmental noise emission and occupational noise exposure;

  • Associated British Ports (ABP), Southampton. Assessment and monitoring of noise from channel dredging together with associated engineering and mitigation to reduce noise impact at nearby residences;

  • GKN Aerospace. Acoustic design, assessment of noise impact, engineering noise control to reduce noise impact on neighbours at their manufacturing facility in Cowes, Isle of Wight;

  • Raymond Brown Minerals. Assessment of noise impact in support of planning applications for new quarries in Hampshire and Dorset. Member of design team contributing to environmental impact assessment;

  • Expert witness for numerous law practices acting as a single joint expert for noise-induced hearing loss and hand-arm vibration legal claims.

Education & Qualifications

  • Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton, BEng Engineering Acoustics and Vibration, 1995

  • Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton, MPhil, Whole-body Vibration, 1999

  • Member of the Institute of Acoustics

  • Registered with the Engineering Council as a Chartered Engineer (March 2003) Registration no 481083


Chris McConnell


Andre Pires